Description of FIDs sorted by number:
Number | Tag | Description |
1 | Last | Last Price |
4 | High | High Price |
5 | Low | Low Price |
6 | Open | Open Price |
8 | Open2 | Open Range Price 2 |
9 | Bid | Current Best Bid Price |
10 | Ask | Current Best Ask Price |
11 | LastVolume | Last (incremental) Volume |
12 | BidSize | Number of shares or contracts being offered at the bid price |
13 | AskSize | Number of shares or contracts being offered at the asking price |
14 | Close | Close Price |
16 | Close2 | Close Range Price 2 |
17 | Previous | Previous Settlement Price |
18 | Volume | Yesterdays total Volume |
19 | CumVolume | Cumulative Volume since mkt open |
20 | OpenInterest | The total number of options and/or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day |
23 | TradeCount | The actual number of trades |
26 | Change | Change in price between previous day's CLOSE price and today's LAST price |
27 | Week52High | 52 Week high price |
28 | Week52Low | 52 Week Low Price |
29 | Wk52HighDate | Date of 52 week high |
30 | Week52LowDate | Date of 52 week low |
31 | Market | Exchange the data is coming from |
32 | BidDateTime | Date and Time of last Bid |
33 | AskDateTime | Date and Time of last Ask |
34 | TradeDateTime | Date and Time of last Trade |
35 | BateDateTime | Date and Time of last Bid Ask Trade or Exception |
36 | Direction | Price Direction |
37 | LastBidAsk | Most recent Last Bid or Ask |
42 | LbaChange | Most recent Last Bid or Ask change from Previous |
45 | Yield | Dividend per share or Effective interest rate expressed in percent |
46 | Dividend | Latest dividend amount |
48 | DivExDate | Date on which ex-dividend will trade |
49 | FIGI | Financial Instrument Global Identifier |
50 | MaturityDate | The date on which a bond matures. |
51 | CouponRate | The interest rate assigned to a bond when it is issued. |
52 | Bid1 | The bid before BID |
53 | Bid2 | The bid before BID1 |
54 | Ask1 | The ask before ASK |
55 | Ask2 | The ask before ASK1 |
56 | Contrib | Contributor Name or Code for latest trade/bid/ask |
60 | Latest | Latest known price. Most recent of Last Bid Ask Open Close Previous |
61 | DaysToExpiration | Number of days until expiration |
63 | Volatility | A measure for variation of price of a financial instrument over time |
70 | CallPutFlag | Indicates whether option is a call or a put - empty=Not an option, C=Call, P=Put |
72 | Underlying | Symbol name of the underlying security or commodity |
73 | UnderMarket | Market ID of the underlying security or commodity |
76 | First | Price of First Trade of the Trading Day |
78 | XchgId | Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades |
79 | IssueDescription | Issue Description |
80 | UserDescription | User Description |
81 | Month | Short description used for futures to indicate month and year of the contract |
85 | VenSymbol | The name that the Vendor sends down for this instrument. If this field doesn't exist or have a value, then we are not translating the vendor symbol, and the Symbol field contains the name. |
86 | Settledate | The market date of the settlement price held in the SETTLE price field |
87 | SeqNum | Sequence number of the last tick |
88 | VWAP | Volume Weighted Average Price |
89 | TickSize | The minimum price movement of a trading instrument |
91 | SicCode | Standard Industrial Classification Code |
92 | NaicsCode | North American Industry Classification System Code |
97 | SymType | Generic Symbol Type - Commodity Future, Com Fut Opt, Equity, etc. |
98 | Zone | Time Zone the Symbol Trades in. |
102 | PriceToEarningsRatio | Price to Earnings Ratio - A valuation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings |
119 | WeeklyVolume | Weekly Volume |
120 | MonthlyVolume | Monthly Volume |
121 | YearlyVolume | Yearly Volume |
122 | VolumeDayCode | Indicates numeric day code (1..31) for the previous volume |
124 | CurrencyCode | Represents the International Standard Foreign Currency ISO 4217 code in which the transaction was executed |
125 | SicMajorClass | Standard Industrial Classification code - Three digit number corresponding to a general industry |
126 | ShortInterest | Market-sentiment indicator that displays the total number of shares of a particular stock that have been sold short by investors but have not yet been covered or closed out |
127 | AverageVolume | The number of shares traded per day, averaged over some time period, usually 4 weeks |
128 | PercentHeldInstitution | Percentage of outstanding common shares being held by institutional investors, such as pension plans |
129 | MarketCap | The total value of the tradable shares of a publicly traded company |
131 | Liabilities | The total current liabilities held by a company (in millions) |
134 | TradeCondition | Trade condition code |
135 | MarketCondition | Market condition code |
136 | UnitOfMeasure | Unit of Measure, Physical measure of traded item |
137 | LongTermDebt | Monies owed for a period exceeding one year (in millions) |
138 | YTDHighPrice | High price from beginning of year to today's date |
139 | YTDHighDate | Date high price for the year occurred |
140 | YTDLowPrice | Low price from beginning of year to today's date |
141 | YTDLowDate | Date low price for the year occurred |
142 | YearEndClose | Closing price at the end of the year |
143 | LastADate | Last reported annual date |
144 | LastQDate | Last reported quarterly date |
147 | AnualDividendRate | An indicator of per-share or aggregate dividends paid to stockholders over the course of one year |
148 | LatestDivDeclaredDate | Date on which the most recent dividend was declared |
149 | LatestDivRecordDate | The date established by an issuer of a security for the purpose of determining the holders who are entitled to receive a dividend or distribution |
150 | LatestDivPayDate | Day on which dividend is paid |
152 | BateCodeClose | Bate Code of Close |
153 | BateCodeClose2 | Bate Code of Close2 |
154 | BateCodeHigh | Bate Code of High |
155 | BateCodeLast | Bate Code of Last Price |
156 | BateCodeLow | Bate Code of Low |
157 | BateCodeOpen | Bate Code of Open |
159 | BateCodeOpen2 | Bate Code of Open2 |
161 | DilutedEPS | A performance metric used to gauge the quality of a company's earnings per share if all convertible securities were exercised (Trailing 12 months worth) |
162 | Latest12MoEPS | Latest 12 month earnings per share |
163 | FiscalYearEnd | The completion of a one-year, or 12-month, accounting period |
164 | SettlementPrice | The most recent Settlement Price. See SETTLE DATE for the date this price represents |
165 | DilutedEPS3YrGrowthRate | Diluted EPS 3 Year Growth Rate |
166 | DilutedEPS5YrGrowthRate | Diluted EPS 5 Year Growth Rate |
167 | LastSplitDate | The date on which the last stock split occurred |
168 | LastSplitFactor | The dividing factor when stocks are split. Ex: 0.5 = 2 shares for every current share. |
169 | PrevSplitDate | The date on which the stock previously split |
170 | ExercisePrice | Option Exercise Strike Price |
171 | ExpirationDate | Date instrument expires |
177 | Fraction | Fraction that integer prices are stored with |
178 | FractionVen | Fraction base specified by the vendor |
179 | FractionDsp | Fraction base used to format price for display |
180 | PrevSplitFactor | The previous dividing factor when a stock was split |
181 | UPC11830 | Uniform Practice Code restricted securities |
187 | Vendor | Data Vendor |
192 | Recent | Most recent price from trade or settlement. |
193 | ContractDate | Date the contract is due. |
194 | ActualSymbol | The actual traded symbol behind an alias symbol |
196 | ReportDate | Date of last report |
197 | ReportTime | Time of last report |
198 | Cash | Cash on hand and demand deposits |
199 | CashPerShare | Cash per shares outstanding ratio |
236 | CntrHigh | Contract High |
237 | CntrLow | Contract Low |
239 | ShrOutstnd | Number of shares outstanding |
242 | Assets | The total current assets held by a company |
244 | AvMatrty | The weighted average of the time until all maturities on mortgages in a mortgage-backed security |
247 | QuoteDelay | Minimum number of minutes quote is delayed at the vendor (0 = No delay) |
248 | Root | Symbol Root |
249 | Beta | Beta - the sensitivity of the instrument based on index returns. |
263 | OPENSTOCK | Opening Metal Stock |
264 | MOVEIN | Metal Movement In |
265 | MOVEOUT | Metal Movement Out |
266 | MOVEMENT | Metal Movement Net |
267 | CLOSESTOCK | Closing Metal Stock |
268 | DISPATCHCODE | Platt's 2 character Dispatch Category Code |
270 | CallRoot | Option Root for calls |
271 | PutRoot | Option Root for Puts |
272 | NumOptMths | Number of options months |
273 | OptPrcMult | Option Price Multiplier |
276 | FundCode | Subcategory of a Mutual or MoneyMarket fund |
277 | Footnotes | Footnote codes associated with a Mutual or MoneyMarket fund |
280 | MarketPrice | The price that a Closed End Mutual Fund is traded on for the exchange for which it is listed |
281 | ShortTermCapitalGains | The short term gains for a fund |
282 | LongTermCapitalGains | The long term gains for a fund |
283 | UnallocatedDistributions | Costs that cannot be directly related to a specific cost area |
284 | ReturnOfCapital | Payments back to "capital owners" (shareholders, partners, unitholders) that exceed the growth (net income/taxable income) of a business |
285 | TotalCashDistribution | The amount of capital that is returned to the investor or business owner when a business is liquidated |
286 | StockSplitDivFactor | Stock Split or Dividend Factor |
287 | WrapPrice | Wrap Price |
288 | CurrentYield | The yield of the bond at the current moment |
289 | EstLongTermReturn | Estimated return over the life of the portfolio, calculated according to formulas proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
313 | Commodity | The Root Symbol of the Underlying commodity, or the Name of the underlying commodity. |
354 | ContractHighDate | Date on which the contract was the highest |
355 | ContractLowDate | Date on which the contract was the lowest |
356 | EODLastRun | The date and time the End Of Day (EOD) process was last run for this symbol |
357 | AccruedInterest | The interest that has accumulated since the principal investment |
358 | BeginningNAV | Previous month-end net asset value |
359 | Annualized7DayYield | The annualized value from a Money Market fund over the last seven days |
360 | Gross7DayYield | The yield on an investment before the deduction of taxes and expenses |
361 | Subsidized7DayYield | The yield based on net income and includes contractual expense reimbursements |
362 | ThirtyDayYield | Calculated by dividing the net investment income per share for the 30 days ended on the date of calculation by the offering price per share on that date |
363 | ThirtyDayYieldDate | Thirty day yield date |
364 | AverageLifeDays | Weighted average life in days |
365 | Calldate | The date on which a bond may be redeemed before maturity |
367 | ExtendedLast | Extended Last |
383 | PostalCode | Postal Code associated with Location |
384 | Country | Two or Three character Country Code |
385 | Region | Region Code for a region within a Country (such as a state, province or territory) |
386 | City | Name of nearest City or Place for reporting location |
387 | Place | Description of Location or Place |
388 | StationId | Reporting Station ID or Site ID |
389 | Latitude | Latitude in Degrees |
390 | Longitude | Longitude in Degrees |
391 | Elevation | Elevation in Feet |
392 | MinTimeStep | Minimum Time Granularity of time series updates in seconds. 0==Continuous |
394 | SettlementChange | Change from the settle price prior to the Settle Date compared to the current Settlement Price |
395 | IndicativeOpen | Most recent pre-market indicative trade price |
398 | Bidlevels | Current number of bid levels |
399 | Asklevels | Current number of ask levels |
400-449 | Market depth for bids | |
450-499 | Market depth for asks | |
615 | SummaryName | For summary symbols, this is the name of the summary statistic |
616 | APIGravity | |
617 | Bates | |
618 | CalendarCode | |
619 | CommodityGrade | |
620 | CommonConversionFactor | |
621 | CommonConversionFunction | |
622 | CommonConversionTargetUnitofMeasure | |
623 | ContractType | |
624 | DeliveryMethod | |
625 | DeliveryRegion | |
626 | DeliveryRegionBasis | |
627 | Density | |
628 | DerivativeMaturityFrequency | |
629 | DerivativePosition | |
630 | EarliestLayday | |
630 | EarliestLayday | |
631 | ExchangeName | |
632 | FlashPoint | |
633 | FreezePoint | |
634 | KinematicViscosity | |
635 | LatestDate | |
636 | LatestLayday | |
636 | LatestLayday | |
637 | LoadType | |
638 | NotionalContract | |
639 | PourPoint | |
640 | PriceType | |
641 | PublicationFrequencyCode | |
642 | QuotationStyle | |
643 | RON | |
644 | SettlementType | |
645 | ShippingTerms | |
646 | StandardLotSize | |
647 | StandardLotUnits | |
648 | Sulfur | |
649 | SwapFixedLegSymbol | |
650 | SwapFloatingLegSymbol | |
651 | UpdateType | |
652 | ShipToId | The Ship-To Identifier |
653 | SoldToId | The Sold-To Identifier |
654 | CurveCode | |
655 | CurveName | |
990 | SettleDateTime | Date and Time of last Settlement Price |
3500 | CropDataType | Crop data type |
3501 | Location | Location code |
3504 | Category | Category |
3505 | Midpoint | Midpoint price |
3506 | PDayMidpoint | Previous day midpoint price |
3507 | MidpointChange | Midpoint change |
3508 | UnderlyingContract | Underlying contract symbol |
3509 | Inactive | Inactive |
3510 | USDARegionCode | USDA Region Code |
3511 | USDARegionName | USDA Region Name |
3512 | MedianTrade | Median trade |
3513 | GasVolumeWgtdAvg | Gas volume weighted average |
3514 | PowerVolumeWgtdAvg | Power volume weighted average |
3515 | HeatRate | Heat rate |
3517 | FirstActivity | Date of first activity |
3523 | DeliveryDate | The last date that users will complete delivery |
3524 | FirstDeliveryDate | The first date that users will complete delivery |
3525 | ExchMidPrice | Mid price from the exchange |
3526 | ExchMidPriceDate | Mid price date from the exchange |
3527 | ExchMidPriceTime | Mid price time from the exchange |
3528 | FloorBid | Floor bid price |
3529 | FloorBidDate | Floor bid date |
3530 | FloorBidTime | Floor bid time |
3531 | FloorAsk | Floor ask price |
3532 | FloorAskDate | Floor ask date |
3533 | FloorAskTime | Floor ask time |
3534 | OfficialBidPrice | Official Bid Price |
3535 | OfficialBidDate | Official Bid Date |
3536 | OfficialBidTime | Official Bid Time |
3537 | OfficialAskPrice | Official Ask Price |
3538 | OfficialAskDate | Official Ask Date |
3539 | OfficialAskTime | Official Ask Time |
3540 | UnofficialBidPrice | Unofficial Bid Price |
3541 | UnofficialBidDate | UnOfficial Bid Date |
3542 | UnofficialBidTime | UnOfficial Bid Time |
3543 | UnofficialAskPrice | Unofficial Ask Price |
3544 | UnofficialAskDate | UnOfficial Ask Date |
3545 | UnofficialAskTime | UnOfficial Ask Time |
3546 | OfficialEvaluationPrice | Official Evaluation Price |
3547 | OfficialEvaluationDate | Official Evaluation Date |
3548 | OfficialEvaluationTime | Official Evaluation Time |
3549 | UnofficialEvaluationPrice | Unofficial Evaluation Price |
3550 | UnofficialEvaluationDate | Unofficial Evaluation Date |
3551 | UnofficialEvaluationTime | Unofficial Evaluation Time |
3552 | EvaluationPrice | Evaluation Price |
3553 | EvaluationDate | Evaluation Date |
3554 | EvaluationTime | Evaluation Time |
3556 | StockOnWarrants | Stock on warrants |
3557 | StockCancelledWarrants | Stock cancelled warrants |
3558 | OpenRange1 | Open range price 1 |
3559 | CloseRange1 | Close range price 1 |
3561 | OpenRange1Bate | BATE code for open range 1 |
3562 | OpenRange2Bate | BATE code for open range 2 |
3563 | CloseRange1Bate | BATE code for close range 1 |
3564 | CloseRange2Bate | BATE code for close range 2 |
3565 | Ltrade | Last trade |
3566 | TotalContractCumulativeVolume | The total of all cumulative volume values for all contracts of the same root |
3567 | TotalContractVolume | The total of all volume values for all contracts of the same root |
3568 | TotalContractOpenInterest | The total of all open interest values for all contracts of the same root |
3569 | TotalContractVolume2 | The total of all volume values for all contracts of the same root |
3570 | TotalContractOpenInterest2 | The total of all open interest values for all contracts of the same root |
3575 | Area | Area |
3576 | Basis | Basis |
3577 | BasisFix | Basis Fix |
3579 | DateRange | Date Range |
3580 | WeightDesignation | Weight Designation |
3581 | FirstNoticeDate | The first date that users will get notified that they have been assigned a delivery |
3582 | LastNoticeDate | The last date that users will get notified that they have been assigned a delivery |
3583 | FirstTradeDate | The date on which the contract will start trading |
3584 | LastTradeDate | The date on which the contract will cease trading |
3585 | FirstPositionDate | The first date on which the exchange will accept intents and run assignments for deliverable contracts |
3586 | LastPositionDate | The last date on which the exchange will accept intents and run assignments for deliverable contracts |
3587 | FirstHoldingDate | The date when the exchange will begin accepting position dates, where applicable, for deliverable contracts |
3588 | LastHoldingDate | The date when the exchange will no longer require position dates, where applicable, for deliverable contracts |
3589 | RackId | Rack Identifier |
16035 | PmtTerms | Payment terms |
16036 | EffectiveDate | Effective Date of the current reported price. |
16037 | ProductSupplier | Abbreviation of the supplier of the product |
16038 | Branded | B = Branded, U = Unbranded, anything else is undefined |
16039 | TerminalLocation | Abbreviation of the city in which the rack is located |
16040 | TerminalOwner | Rack owner |
16041 | ExchangePartner | Exchange Partner |
16042 | ProductName | Name of the product |
16043 | RackCity | Full name of the city in which the rack is located |
16044 | RackState | State abbreviation for where the rack is located |
16045 | GrossNetIndicator | Gross, Net, Spot anything else is undefined |
16046 | LastMove | This is the change value since the last update (not the change since the previous day's close) |
16047 | LastMoveDate | The date that the price last changed. |
16048 | LastMoveTime | The time that the price last changed. |
16049 | EffectiveTime | Effective Time of the current reported price. |
30568 | DTNDelivery | Delivery |
30569 | DTNUnit | For grain prices these are numeric codes: 66=Bushel, 67=Hundred weight, 76=Long ton, 77=Metric ton, 83=Short ton |
30570 | DTNCurrency | Currency |
30571 | DTNExchangeRate | Exchange Rate |
30572 | DTNInputType | For grainbid data, this is the data input type into the DTN grainbid system. 1=Basis, 2=Cash. For cash input, basis may be estimated. |
30574 | DTNQuotedPrice | Quoted Price |
30576 | DTNQuotedUnit | For grain prices these are numeric codes: 66=Bushel, 67=Hundred weight, 76=Long ton, 77=Metric ton, 83=Short ton |
30577 | DTNQuotedCurrency | Quoted Currency |
30578 | DTNStartDelivery | Start Delivery |
30579 | DTNEndDelivery | End Delivery |
30581 | DTNQuotedBasis | Quote Basis |
30872 | DTNPrice | |
30873 | DTNBasis | Difference between the underlying future price and the cash price |
30878 | DTNElevatorId | Unique identifier for a grain elevator location |
30879 | DTNElevatorName | The name of the elevator |
30880 | DTNElevatorState | The state the elevator is in (can also be a Canadian Province or Territory) |
30881 | DTNElevatorCounty | The county the elevator is in |
30882 | DTNElevatorCity | The city the elevator is in |
30883 | DTNElevatorZip | The zip code the elevator is located in |
30884 | DTNElevatorLatitude | The floating point latitude for the elevator's location |
30885 | DTNElevatorLongitude | The floating point longitude for the elevator's location |
30886 | DTNElevatorDistance | The distance from the elevator to Halifax, NS |
30887 | DTNBasisSymbol | The underlying future contract the basis is calculated or quoted from |
30888 | DTNFipsCode | The Federal Information Processing Standard Code for the county |
*NOTE Not all the FIDs are present in all the symbols.